China Moon

China Moon is a 1994 American neonoir film directed by John Bailey and starring Ed Harris, Madeleine Stowe and Benicio del Toro. It was written by Roy Carlson. It was filmed in 1991 but shelved for three years before its release.

At a local bar, Bodine hits on Rachel Munro Madeleine Stowe who blows him off. Rachel is married to wealthy banker Rupert Munro Charles Dance. Back at home, she gets drunk as she looks at a private investigators photos of Rupert making love to one of his employees, Adele. Rupert is intimidating and emotionally abusive towards Rachel, who decides to give in to Kyles advances and start an affair with him.At one point, the lovers row out on a lake at night. Kyle points out the large full moon and says that his grandmother called it a China Moon, because it looks like a giant china dish. His grandmother thought a China Moon made people do crazy things. The couple go skinny dipping in the lake. Their affair quickly picks up steam, and Kyle urges Rachel to divorce Rupert. ........

Source: Wikipedia